Title: After the Prophet: The Epic Story of the Shia-Sunni Split in Islam
    Author: Lesley Hazleton
    Publisher: Doubleday
    Publication Date: 2009
    Genre: History, Islam
    Pages: 304
    ISBN: 978-0-385-52358-5

    “After the Prophet” is a narrative history that explores the epic story of the Shia-Sunni split in Islam. The book delves into the tragic events that led to the division of the Muslim world into two main branches, the Sunnis and the Shias. Hazleton’s gripping narrative takes readers on a journey through the power struggles, assassinations, and passionate faith that shaped the early years of Islam.

    The book begins with the death of the Prophet Muhammad and the subsequent power struggle over who would succeed him as the ruler of the Muslim people. Hazleton explores the events that led to the Shia-Sunni split, including the assassination of Ali, the philosopher-warrior and son-in-law of Muhammad, and the massacre of seventy-two warriors led by Ali’s son, Hussein, at Karbala in Iraq. The book also examines how these events have shaped modern headlines, from the Islamic Revolution in Iran to the Iraq civil war.

    “After the Prophet” has been praised for its engaging and accessible writing style, making complex historical events easy to understand for readers. The book has been recommended by many as a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the history and significance of the Shia-Sunni split in Islam.

    The book has received positive reviews from readers and critics alike, with many praising its compelling narrative and insightful analysis of the Shia-Sunni split.

    [1] https://bemis.marmot.org/GroupedWork/c7d6d80f-3771-2715-71e9-96018b2760fd
    [2] https://books.google.com/books/about/After_the_Prophet.html?id=p_QObBM3WyAC
    [3] https://books.google.nl/books/about/After_the_Prophet.html?id=BnDvwAEACAAJ&redir_esc=y
    [4] https://www.acappellabooks.com/pages/books/292222/lesley-hazleton/after-the-prophet-the-epic-story-of-the-shia-sunni-split-in-islam
