On a remote island in the Canadian Arctic, researchers have discovered the remains of an ancient glacier that could be over a million years…
United by FireDenver Museum of Nature & ScienceAvailable wherever you…
It’s official: The year 2024 was indeed the hottest on…
Camera collar footage is unveiling the secret lives of Andean bears (Tremarctos ornatus), South America’s only…
A hot spot is starting to form along the coast of East Antarctica. An ice…
As if hurricanes needed any more kick. Human-caused climate change is boosting the intensity of…
Pooping whales changed the course of Asha de Vos’ career. The Sri Lankan marine biologist…
If we learned anything from 2024, it’s that climate change is rapidly reshaping our world.…
Off the coast of the Solomon Islands lurks a centuries-old being that is so immense,…