One incredibly talented fan manages to turn one of the most notorious villains from Destiny 2 into an adorable cat-like creature.
A talented fan of Destiny 2 has created an adorable work of art that turns The Witness into a cute cat. There have been some great villains in Destiny 2, and The Witness is one of the most notable in the game’s history.
Since its release back in 2017, Destiny 2 has continued to be one of the most popular first-person shooters around. Although jumping into the game can be a daunting task for some new players, the exciting combat and lore surrounding the game makes all the hard work worth it. One of the most exciting aspects of Destiny 2 is the game’s villains. Through the years, villains in Destiny 2 have brought new challenges and stories to the first-person title, but the introduction of The Witness brought forth one of the best villains in the entire franchise for many players. From the great art design behind the character, to its incredible power, The Witness is the quintessential villain in Destiny 2‘s lore. However, one fan has given the terrifying antagonist a surprisingly cute makeover.
A Reddit user known as RefusesToHealStupid has drawn The Witness as an adorable cat. Although The Witness is a force to be reckoned with in the game, this talented fan has managed to make the character more cute than intimidating, which is a pretty big accomplishment.
Destiny 2’s The Witness As A Cat
One of the most impressive parts about the artist’s work is how effortlessly they have transformed The Witness into a cute little cat. The Witness is a mysterious character, but RefusesToHealStupid’s work turns the notorious villain into a mischievous furry creature that would make a better pet than an antagonist. This version of The Witness has been lovingly named “The Kitness” by fellow Destiny 2 players, who have praised the artist’s work on Reddit. From the cat’s bulbous eyes to its slick, black uniform, all the notable features The Witness has are there, just in a far cuter form.
Through the years, Destiny 2 has built extensive lore that can be quite serious in tone, so it’s hilarious to see one of the game’s most fearsome villains turned into a mere household pet. What’s even more surprising is just how well The Witness fits into cat form. For a villain who has managed to become one of the most powerful in the franchise’s history, RefusesToHealStupid’s work is a great example of this artist’s ability to turn something fearsome into something cute.