Title: The Philosophy of Psychology
    Author: José Luis Bermúdez
    Publisher: Routledge
    Publication Date: 2012
    Genre: Philosophy, Psychology
    Pages: 272
    ISBN: 9780415275958

    “The Philosophy of Psychology” is a comprehensive introduction to the philosophy of psychology, exploring the nature and mechanisms of cognition. The book charts out four influential ‘pictures of the mind’ and uses them to examine central topics in the philosophical foundations of psychology, including the relation between different levels of studying the mind/brain, the nature and scope of psychological explanation, and the architecture of cognition.

    The book covers a wide range of topics, including models of psychological explanation, the nature of commonsense psychology, arguments for the autonomy of psychology, functionalist approaches to cognition, computational models of the mind, neural network modeling, rationality and mental causation, perception, action, and cognition, and the language of thought and the architecture of cognition.

    The book has been praised for its clear and engaging writing style, making it an excellent resource for undergraduate and graduate philosophy students. It has been recommended by many as a must-read for anyone interested in the philosophy of psychology.

    The book has received positive reviews from readers and critics alike, with many praising its comprehensive coverage of the philosophy of psychology and its practical examples.

    [1] https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/philosophy-of-psychology/7F301722FC97CAA0440D84E1B1D776FD
    [2] https://www.routledge.com/Philosophy-of-Psychology-A-Contemporary-Introduction/Bermudez/p/book/9780415275958
    [3] https://www.cambridge.org/9780521559157
    [4] https://www.amazon.com/Philosophy-Psychology-Introduction-Kengo-Miyazono/dp/1509515488
